Custom Software Development

We develop custom Computer Vision and Machine Learning software solutions

Custom Sotware Development

We develop innovative B2B software solutions. We employ Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing state of the art algorithms and techniques to optimaly solve the needs of our customers.

State of the art and novel algorithms, tuned to serve your needs

Thanks to our strong academic background and experience in real world applications we can design, solve and deploy, in close collaboration with our clients, a solution to their projects. In demanding projects we prioritize a first, proof of concept, phase before the final development, so that our clients can see the effectiveness of the proposed approaches and decide the details of their final product in the most cost effective way.

Machine Learning

Artificial Neural Networks, Convolutional Neural Networks, Deep Learning, Support Vector Machines, Bayesian Networks and other approaches all designed based on the specific details of each customer’s need.


We build custom Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality apps. Depending on our client’s usecase we choose the most suitable platform (Unity 3D, Vuforia, ARKit, GoogleVR, SteamVR). We can customize for most popular headsets like Oculus, HTC Vive, GoogleCardboard etc.

Desktop – Mobile – Web

Depending on our client’s needs our apps can be developed, optimized and deployed for use on Desktop PCs, IOS or Android mobile platforms or Web Browsers.

Sensor Calibration

Automatic Camera Calibration of normal cameras, fish-eye lenses, panoramic cameras, non perspective senors, multi camera rigs, multispectral & hyperspectral sensors etc.

Image Orientation

Structure from Motion, Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (SLAM), Automatic image orientation, feature extraction, feature based matching, outlier detection, closed form solutions, bundle adjustment etc.

Texture Mapping

Texture mapping from multiple images, texture parameterization, colour blending, synthetic image generation, “true” orthophotos production etc.

Dense Stereo & Multi View Matching

Dense stereo matching, depth map estimation, combination of depth maps, multi-view stereo etc.

Point Cloud Editing

Point cloud registration, filtering, 3D mesh generation, image-3d model registration etc.

Structured Light Scanning

Custom structured light system development, projector-camera calibration, pattern regognition, 3D triangulation, multiple scans registration etc.

Check also our Computer Vision AI dedicated page!

Walking on water and developing software from a specification are easy if both are frozen.

Edward V Berard

First, solve the problem. Then, write the code.

John Johnson

Get it right. Then get it fast.

Steve McConnell